AA Online Meetings – searchable database
Both scheduled meetings and 24/7 meetings (forums, etc.) available
In the Rooms – app to access AA and a variety of other 12-step meetings
Lionrock – treatment center that offers AA and other meetings online
Includes a COVID-19 anxiety support group
National Alliance on Mental Illness – education and support, including online discussion groups
NAMI Helpline:
Find your local NAMI chapter:
Faith-based programs:
Teen and young adult support through online sharing:
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance – education and support
Online support groups:
Find your local DBSA chapter:
No Stigmas – mental health empowerment, including training and private Facebook group
Fresh Hope – Christian mental health support groups; online groups available in English and Spanish
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline – 24/7 referral and information
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 24/7 crisis help
Chat option:
M3 – 3 Minute Test for Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, and PTSD
Gives score and personalized recommendations